Unlock the thrill of corporate leadership! Join Model United Corporations and immerse yourself in the world of CEOs, CMOs, and CFOs. Conquer high-pressure decision-making, strategic challenges, and teamwork. Sharpen your skills, seize the spotlight, and prove you've got what it takes to lead in the boardroom. Join the competition, transform into a corporate titan!"


This competition aims to introduce the participants to the realities of running a business by developing skills like high pressure decision making, strategic thinking,problem and conflict resolution and collaboration among others. Scroll down


The best way to learn to swim is to jump off the deep end. Let us introduce you to the cutthroat world of corporate leaders, by assuming you are one. Welcome to the boardroom where you put on the big guy shoes and discuss pivotal problems in a company’s life and all the logistics, heckles and responsibilities that come attached Scroll down


  • 3 team members, CEO, CMO and CFO.
  • 3 problems, one for each.
  • Qualification Round: One solution Submitted as ppt.
  • Final round:Come and bring your solution along with your skills and wit to the table for a showdown against 3 other C-Suites and convince the elders who is right once and for all.
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